Programmings languages
- C
- C++
- C#
- JavaScript
- Python
- Dart
- Flutter
- React native
- .Net Windows App Form
- Tkinter
Other tools
- Git
- Github
- VScode
- Visual Studio
- Bash
- Firebase
Software Developer, Automation Engineer & Researcher
I develop software in general for mutiple platforms such as Windows, Linux and Android. I am also an Automation Engineer as well as a researcher especially in Deep Learning and Computer Vision. I am also an enthusiast in Electronics field more specifically with Embedded Systems.
A competent software developer with a proven track record in designing user interfaces in frontend and backend. I am also interested in Automation Engineering and Industrial Computing as well as deep learning, computer vision and data science.
I am eager to be challenged in order to grow my development skills as I have the character of a long life learner.
I aspire to be be the best version of myself.
Hire me
This app is a learning tool to help students with understanding the M68k (hardware and software).
The idea of this project came from a machine which cuts the iron manually, so we are developing this machine in order to work automatically, the user command it with a GUI in Raspberry Pi3 or an Android app, so he types the desired distance for cutting and the number of loops to do the same thing if necessary.
This project represents a GUI that contains the basic image processing operations using Emgu CV namely: Edge detection, Image binarization, Morphological operations, Text detection, Shape detection, Face detection and most importantly (that took longer time) hand detection.
Android application that helps disabled people to get notified with their specific news and health tips.
A package contains modules/classes for different operations on complex numbers.
This command line helps you create components, screens and even redux implementation for your react native project.